John Oliver Talks With Ex-Prisoner About Obstacles Faced On Re-entry (VIDEO)

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John Oliver has used “Last Week Tonight” to educate late-night viewers on the harrowing nature of the American prison complex. On Sunday’s episode, he broke down the obstacles faced by Americans once they leave prison by interviewing a former prisoner, Bilal Chapman.

“I guess I’m more worried about being judged for what I used to be. I’m not that same person,” Chapman said.

Because Oliver was worried about pigeon-holing Chapman into being known as The Ex-Prisoner, the host asked Chapman for interesting things not related to his criminal past.

“I would like people to know I grow tomatoes,” Chapman said, before Oliver cut him off and wanted to know more.

Despite the jokes and awards of the show, Oliver said Chapman was “hesitant” to appear on “Last Week Tonight.”

“I may never do this again, I’ve done other interviews,” Chapman said. “This takes me back to being that prisoner again. I’m not that prisoner today. I’m a taxpayer. I work, I’m a citizen, I’m a voter. That’s who I want to be. Those the things that define me today.”

Watch the clip, from HBO, below:

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