Despite rumors to the contrary, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) will not leave his party to become a Republican, his office said on Wednesday morning.
“Senator Manchin is a proud West Virginia Democrat and will remain one,” his spokesman, Jonathan Kott, told TPM in an email.
The rumors began after Democrats took a thumping in 2014 midterm elections on Tuesday and lost the Senate majority. West Virginia’s other Senate seat was won by Republican Shelley Moore Capito by a commanding margin.
Makes one wonder, sounds like the Athletic director in a college football program just before the coach is fired. Can’t find much reason to trust good old Joe.
All the firebaggers that have attacked Manchin, tell me where he cast a deciding vote against Democratic legislation or helped Republicans filibuster legislation in this Senate. Manchin isn’t close to being the problem, as a matter of fact, it was blue dogs like him, Pryor, Landrieu and every other Senate Dem that lost which gave Elizabeth Warren power in the Senate. Now, thanks to progressives deciding to get rid of those blue dogs, Warren is now going to be a minority Senator. Congrats on a job well done!
No need to switch. He can continue to vote with the Rs enough to get wooed by them (better than given marching orders), stay right enough to be viable back home & still have plenty of time to switch before his own next election if, by that time, the R behind your name has become essential in WV.
He’s going to find that they run a “real Republican” instead of him when it comes time for re-election.