Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday said that if a another situation like the chaos at the Nevada Democratic Convention occurs again, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will need to be more vocal in condemning the actions of his supporters.
“That’s not Bernie,” Biden told reporters in Ohio when asked about the ruckus from Sanders backers at the Nevada convention over the weekend, according to the Huffington Post. “And what Bernie’s going to have to do if that happens again — he’s going to have to be more aggressive in speaking out about it.”
“Bernie Sanders is a good guy. Let Bernie run the race. There’s nothing wrong with that,” the Vice President added.
Biden also said that he’s not concerned about Democratic party unity.
“I’m confident that Bernie will be supportive if Hillary wins, which the numbers indicate will happen,” he said. “So I’m not worried. There’s no fundamental split in the Democratic Party.”
Sanders is mentally ill. He’ll take his two government pensions and ride off into the sunset.
“Bernie Sanders is a good guy. Let Bernie run the race. There’s nothing wrong with that," the Vice President added.
Does the VP know he is calling him and everyone else in government corrupt.
“More aggressive”? Joe, honey, he’s not even trying to rein his brown shirts in, he’s egging them on. As Josh Marshall posited, the rot starts right at the top with Bernie Sanders. He knows now he can’t win the nomination, and he’s determined to take the Democratic party down in flames in revenge. He’s a horrid, evil old man. And to think I came very close to voting for him in the MA primary.
The irony will be if the Bernie revolution results in a President Donald Trump…
While we are at it, please don’t believe the most absurd fantasy of all time… i.e. ‘… Sanders can beat Trump…’ I wonder who keeps this meme alive that Bernine, not Hillary, can beat Trump? The RNC is repackaging Trump
. He will be presented as the new Reagan. Americans are going to love it by November. They will trounce Sanders and label him a commie, and it will work, unfortunately. Just sayin’…