Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee issued a brief response to the announcement that President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey Tuesday.
“President Trump called me at 5:30 p.m. and indicated he would be removing Director Comey, saying the FBI needed a change,” Feinstein said. “The next FBI director must be strong and independent and will receive a fair hearing in the Judiciary Committee.”
I admire her cool, but it is misplaced. As I’ve often said, the GOP is intent on establishing a one-party state and the Democrats should long ago have declared a state of democratic emergency and adopted a corresponding posture. The GOP has
The final step will be to fix and steal the 2018 elections.
We need our Democratic leaders to be very clear on this and call for a national strike or a national protest tonight. Something like that. Enough with the bullshit.
Sorry DIFI – Trump isn’t about to nominate someone who is “strong and independent” and whoever it is will receive an expedited fluff hearing in the Judiciary Committee… if the position isn’t left open for months in order to delay the Trump/Russia collusion investigation.
What, the Dems are not terribly sorry to see Comey go? Shocking…
Trump is using her to make it look like he is making a well informed decision. Trump contacting her is what a decent leader would do and we all know that is not the case with the ill one.
Can Jared take this on as well? I mean in his spare time. He is obviously a super-human person. Maybe his sister could help, just whip out her VISA card.