Fox News contributor Bo Dietl shocked his fellow co-hosts on Tuesday during the show “Outnumbered” by repeatedly describing House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) as a “ferret.”
“Where is that little ferret there, Pelosi?” Dietl said during a discussion of a possible Department of Homeland Security shutdown.
The other “Outnumbered” co-hosts gasped or laughed at the remark.
“Ferret! Pelosi!” the former New York police officer and detective repeated.
“Did they let her out of her cage yet?” he continued. “I haven’t seen her anywhere!”
The other co-hosts quickly moved on without mentioning the name-calling.
It’s called soap, Dietl.
Oh Bo, as a fellow member of the XXXL club, it looks bad when we make fun of the slim and well put together. Not everyone can have our level of insulation, in my case from the cold, and your case, from cold hard facts.
A little ferret with really big teeth.
Bo who?
Singing: Bo Dietl, die Dietl, Dumb.