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Sanders To Address Supporters Via Video Live Stream Thursday

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks at a rally Tuesday, June 7, 2016, in Santa Monica, Calif. (AP Photo/John Locher)
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Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is slated to address supporters with a video live stream on Thursday night, his campaign confirmed Tuesday.

“He will speak directly to supporters about how the revolution continues,” campaign spokesman Michael Briggs said in an email to TPM.

The video address is scheduled for two days after Tuesday’s Democratic primary in the District of Columbia, the final contest of the primary season. Sanders still has not signaled whether he will concede the nomination to Hillary Clinton, the party’s presumptive nominee.

While the exact time for the address isn’t set, Briggs said the stream would be available to anyone who signs up on the campaign’s website.

ABC News first reported the event.

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  1. It’s odd that you need to sign up on his campaign website in order to watch the live stream. That doesn’t seem like something he would do if he is suspending your campaign.

  2. If he sets his followers down gently with a message of supporting Clinton and the Democratic Party, I don’t really care what he says otherwise.

    If he vows to carry the struggle all the way and through the convention, fighting tooth and nail for every platform plank he wants and against every committee member he doesn’t like, then he will cement his “legacy.”

  3. As a Bernie delegate at the Iowa State Convention my biggest hope is he says he lost and he strongly supports Hillary and urges all of his followers to do whatever is necessary to defeat the un american Trump.

  4. Here’s how we continue the “movement”: you send money, keep the signs in the windows and we’ll hold rallies in large auditoriums talking about our movement.

  5. I wouldn’t mention anything about your history with assault weapons bans, Bernie, if I were you.

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