Ben Carson on Thursday said that he doesn’t believe the fact that Sen. Ted Cruz was born in Canada should keep the Texas senator from running for president.
“It seems to me like the rules are fairly well-specified in terms of who qualifies to be a natural born citizen,” Carson said when asked about Cruz’s eligibility to run for president on Newsmax’s “The Steve Malzberg Show,” according to video posted by Buzzfeed News.
“If your parent is a citizen of the United States, and you’re born on foreign soil, you are still an American citizen. And that has always been the case as far as I know. One of my children was born on foreign soil and they’re a natural born citizen,” Carson continued.
When asked if he believes Cruz is constitutionally qualified to run, Carson said, “For me, it’s not an issue.”
Questions about Cruz’s eligibility to run for president resurfaced this week when Donald Trump expressed doubt about the Texas senator’s citizenship. Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother, and some question whether his birth abroad qualifies him as a natural born citizen — a qualification for running for president.
Cruz has defended his eligibility and said this week, “As a legal matter, the question is quite straightforward and settled law that the child of a U.S. citizen born abroad is a natural born citizen. People will continue to make political noise about it but as a legal matter it is quite straightforward.”
It’s weird what happens when one has stakes in a “game”.
Fox: Are you saying even if Trump/Barbie Palin proves that Obama was born in Kenya, he would still be an American Citizen?
Carson would know about the legal intricacies of this matter. He was asked to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court but had to defer, as it would have interfered with his secret training to take over command the Space Station.
When this kid of his was born on foreign soil, did he make his wife run around looking for a foreign hair clip to cut the umbilical cord? That’s what all good husbands do.
Hallelujah, Brothers and Sisters