Two Alabama officials on Monday asked residents to pray that the state can help block the Environmental Protection Agency’s new regulations on carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants, reported.
Public Service Commission President Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh (pictured above) slammed the new regulations.
“We will not stand for what they are doing to our way of life in Alabama,” she said during a press conference at the Alabama Coal Association.
Later in the conference, Cavanaugh asked residents to pray for the state.
“I hope all the citizens of Alabama will be in prayer that the right thing will be done,” she said.
Cavanaugh, along with other Alabama officials, will testify at an EPA hearing on the regulations in Atlanta on Tuesday.
PSC commissioner-elect Chip Beeker said that Alabama’s coal was created by God and charged that the government shouldn’t interfere with God’s plan, according to
“Who has the right to take what God’s given a state?” he asked.
According to Right Wing Watch, the Public Service Commission began a meeting on power rates last year with a prayer against same-sex marriage.
H/t Right Wing Watch
It is all but impossible to take seriously anyone named “Twinkle.”
The fact that she’s an idiot doesn’t help.
Thank you, wingnuts, for being brave and standing up against the tyranny of clean air.
Like clean air and potable water?
Can we all pray that she goes to the courthouse and changes her name?