Senate Republicans

This is your TPM afternoon briefing:
Perhaps it’s easier to speak out against President Trump and the flailing, chaotic, dwindling days of his presidency when you’re no longer in an official position.

This is your TPM afternoon briefing.
The self-preservation expectation-setting is spreading.

This is your TPM afternoon briefing.
For the GOP, clinging to austerity is a task employed only when it’s most convenient. Or most desperate.

Trade associations sound innocuous but the term obscures what they really are: lobbying groups that advocate for policies that benefit specific business interests. Among the groups that could potentially qualify for loans under Collins’ and Rubio’s bill are PhRMA, the nation’s top drug lobby, and the American Chemistry Council, which represents big chemical and fossil fuel interests.

This is your TPM afternoon briefing.
There’s a primary election in Kansas today that Republicans are warning could have broad implications on the GOP’s ability to hold the Senate in November.