Mike Pompeo
Where Things Stand: This Should Change The Narrative
This is your TPM early-afternoon briefing.
But it probably won’t.
I wrote last week about my fascination with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s months-long crusade to use the media to pressure the secretary of state to run for Senate in Kansas. McConnell views Mike Pompeo as the ideal candidate: He has enough establishment support to unite the party in the key state that’s about to dive into a messy GOP primary over the open seat, where a top contender is polarizing, even in Republican circles.
Where Things Stand: McConnell Is Desperate To Maintain His Grip
It’s not the most important news of the day, but I am endlessly fascinated by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) seemingly endless campaign to prod the secretary of state into running for an open senate seat in Kansas.