election administration

Election Day Went (Relatively) Smoothly Because States Prepped For Violence Like 2020
The relatively smooth election does not, however, show the years of warnings to be misguided, law enforcement and election experts told TPM.
With House Veto Override Vote, North Carolina Republicans’ Power Grab Is Complete
North Carolina Senate Republicans Override Dem Gov’s Veto Of Their Power Grab
North Carolina GOP’s New Power Grab Is A ‘Recipe For Disaster’ For Elections, Too
While the North Carolina Republican-controlled legislature is using its last few days as a supermajority to strip power from newly-elected Democrats, the power grab will also have a damaging impact on election administration in the state.
North Carolina Dem Gov Vetos Republicans’ ‘Sham’ Power Grab. But This Isn’t A Victory.
How Republicans Thwarted An Attempt To Streamline A Crucial State’s Vote Count
We won't know Pennsylvania's results on election night — and Republicans' Mark Zuckerberg conspiracy theory is in part to blame.
Georgia County Installs ‘Panic Buttons’ For Poll Workers As Concerns Grow Over New Rules
Georgia Becomes First State To Mandate Election Intimidation Training for Law Enforcement — But At What Cost?
The Georgia program highlights the “tension” between a potentially increased law enforcement presence at polling places and the inadvertent intimidation and disenfranchisement of voters.
Majority Of Election Officials Face Threats, And Significant Number Fear Assault, Survey Finds
New Bill Would Mean Open Season In Georgia For MAGA Voter Roll Challengers Like True The Vote
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