Covering Climate Now

Research shows that many Republican voters do support policies to curb climate change. Now we must convince GOP legislators to listen to those voices.
A World of Refugees
Josh Kovensky has a fascinating look at how white nationalists are glomming onto and pressing climate change hysteria to advance their goals of a walled-off, whites-only America. This makes me think of a central part of how I see the future of climate change.
This Week’s Focus On Climate
Starting today and continuing for a week, TPM will be joining more than 250 news organizations in amping up our coverage of climate change and the political realities that surround it.

Some on the far right are pointing to climate change, and the refugees it will create, to tout the idea of walling off America.

President Trump's commitment to undoing Obama's climate legacy is making it harder for the rest of the world to take action.