cancel culture

The Other Cancel Culture: How a Public University Is Bowing to a Conservative Crusade
With a rising national profile and donor base and relatively little state funding, Boise State University should be able to resist pressure by the Idaho Legislature. Instead the university, led by a liberal transplant, has repeatedly capitulated.
Putin Laments ‘Cancellation’ Of Russian Federation With J.K. Rowling Comparison
The culture wars make their way to the fourth Rome.
In GOP Turmoil Over Fate Of Nathan Bedford Forrest, It’s ‘Cancel Culture’ All The Way Down Prime Badge
McCarthy Ridiculed For Video Reading Dr. Seuss While Senate Debated Pandemic Relief Bill
Cancel Culture Survivor Ted Cruz Now Forced To Make Jokes At His Own Expense
Jordan Whines That Dems Are ‘Canceling’ Trump For Inciting Deadly Coup Attempt
Time To Cancel The ‘Cancel Culture’ Handwringing Driving The GOP’s 2020 Strategy Prime Badge
Conservatives define cancel culture as a weapon brandished by left-wing ‘woketopians’ who are hell-bent on destroying the lives of those who fail to adhere to the rules of social justice. But in reality, right-wingers are weaponizing a movement they don’t understand.
On First Night Of RNC, GOPers Pounce On ‘Cancel Culture’ In Unison
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