
Off The Rails And Off To The Races 
This is your TPM evening briefing.
How Alex Jones And White Nationalist Podcasts Exploded Into Canadian Politics
The far right group “Diagolon,” which has American allies and the attention of authorities on both sides of the border, is at the center of a fiery political debate.
Canada Has Long Feared The Chaos Of US Politics
To some Canadians, the U.S. provided a cautionary tale about weak central institutions and rule by the undisciplined masses.
Where Things Stand: ‘Hoser-Extremism’ And The Rob Ford –> Canadian Anti-Vax Trucker Protest Trajectory
This is your TPM evening briefing.

TIL what a “hoser” is.

In Canadian pop-culture, it’s a term used to describe the type of personality that former president Trump tends to embody — the brand of bombastic extremism that makes up the personality of people who currently occupy the center of the Canadian populism movement: think loud, uncouth and skeptical of facts, precedent and the government in general.

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Trudeau Invokes Emergency Powers To Quell Canadian Trucker Protests
Three US Border Crossings Closed As Canadian Anti-Vax Trucker Protests Escalate
Where Things Stand: Wendy Rogers Inserts Herself Into Canadian Trucker Protests, With A Racist Twist
This is your TPM evening briefing.

Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers (R) has made quite the name for herself in the far-right, Big Lie corners of the Republican Party in the last year. As a key figure in the state’s phony election “audit,” Rogers knows how to aggressively captivate her audience.

She’s injected herself into several election-overturning causes in recent months. In the waning days of the sketch audit of 2020 election results in Arizona’s Maricopa County, Rogers suggested imprisoning members of the Republican-majority board of supervisors when the county rejected the state Senate’s subpoena for additional election-related materials. The Trumpian state lawmaker has since proposed legislation that would make it easier for the governor’s office to investigate so-called instances of election “fraud,” setting state Republicans up to try to Big Lie their way out of any 2022 disappointments for the party.

Now, she’s getting involved in the Canadian anti-vax trucker protests in Ottawa that have devolved into a reckless display of Big Rig power over the course of the last 12 days with thousands of protesters flooding the area surrounding Ottawa’s Parliament building.

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Five Points On The Canadian Anti-Vax Trucker Protests Feeding The Far-Right Media Machine
Sign with a Canadian flag (the maple leaf has been replaced with the symbol of a house) urging Canadians to stay at home to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada on April 12, 2020. The Ontario provincial government extended the state of emergency until April 23 due to the COVID-19 outbreak on Saturday. (Photo by Creative Touch Imaging Ltd./NurPhoto) Canada And US Agree To Extend Border Closures For Another Month
Iran Admits Military Mistakenly Shot Down Civilian Plane Outside Tehran
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