Where Things Stand: RFK Jr. Applies His Just-Asking-Questions Gambit To Abortion Politics Too
This is your TPM evening briefing.
‘Uncivil Obedience’ Becomes An Increasingly Common Form Of Protest In The US
Uncivil obedience involves following the law but in ways that disregard people’s expectations.
Where Things Stand: Ohio Win Emboldens Next Abortion Effort In Arizona
This is your TPM evening briefing.
The defeat of Issue 1 and the win for abortion rights in Ohio last night stands as another datapoint in an ongoing trend: abortion rights have consistently prevailed when placed on the ballot — an observation that, notably, holds in red and purples states — since Roe’s overturning last year. And it emboldens ongoing efforts by pro-abortion rights and left-leaning groups to push Democrats to embrace the issue as a wedge that could help them hold the Senate and take back the House in 2024.
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