2024 elections

The Non-Trump Republicans Gathered In Milwaukee To Fight With Vivek
How Big Will The Big Lie Be?
This is your TPM evening briefing.
GOP Sen. Cassidy Says Trump Should Drop Out Of 2024 Race, Citing ‘Almost A Slam Dunk’ Case
Ye 2024 Devolves Into Brawl As Lawyers, Far-Right Figures Claim Control
Exclusive new reporting shows chaos lingering at Ye’s 2020 campaign, potentially blocking ’24 from getting off the ground.
Where Things Stand: RFK Jr. Applies His Just-Asking-Questions Gambit To Abortion Politics Too
This is your TPM evening briefing.
Judge Repeatedly Reminds Lawyers Trump Will Be Treated Like Any Criminal Defendant
Where Things Stand: Ohio Win Emboldens Next Abortion Effort In Arizona
This is your TPM evening briefing.

The defeat of Issue 1 and the win for abortion rights in Ohio last night stands as another datapoint in an ongoing trend: abortion rights have consistently prevailed when placed on the ballot — an observation that, notably, holds in red and purples states — since Roe’s overturning last year. And it emboldens ongoing efforts by pro-abortion rights and left-leaning groups to push Democrats to embrace the issue as a wedge that could help them hold the Senate and take back the House in 2024.

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Where Things Stand: Arizona Republicans Realize That Hand Counting Ballots Is Actually Really Annoying
This is your TPM evening briefing.

An Arizona county run by Republicans recently voted against moving forward with plans to try to get rid of electronic ballot-counting machines and to conduct the tabulation of the 2024 election by hand. While initially propelled in part by conspiracy theories about voting machines, the all-Republican county board of supervisors determined that ultimately moving to a hand count would be too expensive and the methodology too unreliable.

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Where Things Stand: DeSperate DeSantis Tries To Appeal To … Someone On Abortion
This is your TPM evening briefing.

As my colleague Josh Marshall notes below, today’s Times/Siena Poll gives us the clearest sign yet that, if you’re a Republican candidate and you’re not named Donald Trump, your grip on the Republican Party and the minds and hearts of GOP voters is tenuous at best and barely existent at worst.

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Massie Suggests Maybe DeSantis Should Get Indicted To Strengthen His 2024 Bid 
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