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Where Things Stand: Are Workers Getting Fed Up With COVID-Era Aggression?

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Birdsboro, PA - September 20: An electronic sign that reads "Hiring" on the side of Italian Delight Ristorante on East Main Street in Birdsbor, PA Monday afternoon September 20, 2021. (Photo by Ben Hasty/MediaNews Gr... Birdsboro, PA - September 20: An electronic sign that reads "Hiring" on the side of Italian Delight Ristorante on East Main Street in Birdsbor, PA Monday afternoon September 20, 2021. (Photo by Ben Hasty/MediaNews Group/Reading Eagle via Getty Images) MORE LESS
October 12, 2021 6:20 p.m.

TPM has been covering the way in which the pandemic and the public health measures necessary to tamp it down have resulted in periodic eruptions of anger, often egged on by opportunistic, MAGA-aligned politicians. It’s become a theme for us: the specter of violence in politics that’s simmered for the last few years, predating the pandemic but inflamed by it.

But of course, the current level of public outrage is not limited to the political sphere of life. Anecdotal reporting — and, increasingly, data — suggest there might be an economic corollary to this trend as well.

The Washington Post reported today on jobs numbers as we see an uptick in employees quitting their jobs post-pandemic, for a number of reasons. The Post suggests the workforce shortage is primarily attached to the burnout COVID-19 placed, and continues to place, on essential workers who have determined in recent months that the challenges and low wages in the restaurant and service industry are outweighing the drive for a steady paycheck. The newspaper points out that some businesses have attempted to remedy this spike in resignations by offering higher pay and benefits (which, ?? ?? ??).

As the Post reported, about 4.3 million people left their jobs in the month of August alone. Those workers make up about 2.9 percent of the U.S. workforce, the Post reported, citing new data out today from the Department of Labor. The Post focused its reporting on the spike in people leaving their jobs — the U.S. had 10.4 million vacant job positions as of the end of August — as an ongoing leverage point for low-wage workers. This is all makes sense on its face — the pandemic shifted everyone’s work mindset, but it has particularly jolted the work-life balance among essential workers, as multiple economists have noted in the last 19 months.

Axios also reported on the phenomenon today, but offered an interesting take: workers are leaving restaurant, tourism and service industry positions due to fatigue over the uptick in outrageous and sometimes violent acts carried out by customers over individual businesses’ COVID-19 mitigation measures, like mask requirements. We’ve seen this play out in politics most starkly — from the school board meeting room to the halls of Congress.

But it’s also a good lens for understanding the trend in people quitting jobs at record rates in everything from the fast food industry to the hotel business. Axios points out that the restaurant industry is still one million workers short of where it was before COVID hit the U.S. last March. The publication cited a report from a trade publication, Nation’s Restaurant News, that found two-thirds of current and ex- restaurant workers are leaving their jobs over “disrespect” from customers, with some of that disrespect tied to reactionary behavior from patrons over businesses’ public health measures to stop the spread. While some businesses have taken steps to protect workers from such confrontations, it’s not always enough. Per Axios: “Aggressive and violent clashes between customers and service workers over COVID safety protocols over the past nearly two years have led to prison sentencesfines and deaths.”

It’s a good theory. We’ll keep an eye on further data points in this trend as the research becomes available.

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