Poll: Hillary Clinton Leads After First Democratic Debate

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a meeting of the Alabama Democratic Conference in Hoover, Ala., Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015. Clinton tells black Alabama Democrats that she'd champio... Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a meeting of the Alabama Democratic Conference in Hoover, Ala., Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015. Clinton tells black Alabama Democrats that she'd champion voting rights in the White House. She says Republicans are dismantling the progress of the civil rights movement. (AP Photo/Mark Almond) MORE LESS
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Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton leads over her nominee hopefuls after the first Democratic presidential debate last week, according to a CNN/ORC poll released Monday.

Clinton had 45 percent support among likely Democratic voters, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) had 29 percent, and Vice President Joe Biden who has not said whether he will run had 18.

More than 60 percent of the Democrats who said they watched the Oct. 13 Democratic presidential debate said Clinton performed the best, according to the poll.

The poll was conducted by phone among 425 adult Americans who said they were Democrats or Independents with Democratic leanings. The margin of error was plus or minus five percentage points.

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Notable Replies

  1. Hey, there’s Biden again! Can’t get enough polling for the guy not in the race! I’m glad that our pollsters are busy coming up with people who aren’t running to poll on.

  2. Avatar for dave48 dave48 says:

    At this point, there is only one person who could ever stop Hillary Clinton from becoming President: Hillary Clinton. As long as she doesn’t blow it she’s got no real opposition from either party. In short, it’s hers to lose.

  3. The poll does show Hillary maintaining a strong lead in this CNN/ORC poll, but what TPM’s article doesn’t mention is that it also shows Bernie gained 5 points since the last CNN/ORC poll. Hillary has stayed about the same, it looks like Bernie’s increase comes from folks who previously said they were undecided or for Biden.

    Anyway, a 16 point lead (45-29) is still a very strong lead, and without Biden she’d probably have more like 55%, so that’s obviously a pretty good place to be.

    Meanwhile the Monmouth poll that also came out today shows Hillary with an even bigger lead over Bernie, by 27 points (48 Hillary, 21 Bernie, 17 Biden. That’s compared to the previous Monmouth poll in early September, which showed Hillary with 42, Bernie with 20, and Biden with 22.

  4. Avatar for wwss wwss says:

    Why do people even bother with these polls? Two hours ago, this same site posted a report that Sanders was leading in the polls … now it’s HIllary. What happened during those two plus hours? Obviously polls can be manipulated, and this is a prime example.

  5. Not sure what you’re talking about - I haven’t seen any articles anywhere that say Sanders was leading in the polls, except in New Hampshire (and briefly, a while back, in Iowa).

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