Donald Trump Stands Alone At Top Of CNN Poll

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Real estate magnate Donald Trump stood at the top of the CNN/ORC poll of registered Republican and Republican-leaning voters with 36 percent support.

Trump’s closest opponent is 20 points lower and these results showed a nine-point jump for the former reality television star since since the CNN/ORC poll in mid-October.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) polled at 16 percent, which is a 12-point jump for the freshman senator.

Retired surgeon Dr. Ben Carson dropped to third place with an eight-point decline to 14 percent. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) wasn’t far behind at 12 percent, a modest gain from the former CNN/ORC poll.

While other bottom-tier candidates have seen relatively similar numbers in this poll since late June, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has only seen a steady decline. In the late June poll, Bush led the crowded field at 17 percent. Now, he’s tied for sixth place with former technology executive Carly Fiorina at 3 percent.

The poll was conducted among 1,020 adults, 445 of whom were Republican or Republican-leaning registered voters, from Nov. 27 to Dec. 1 by landline and cell phone. The margin of error among Republican respondents was plus or minus 4.5 points.

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  1. Avatar for imkmu3 imkmu3 says:

    But RAND PAUL got 1%!!!1!1!!! He’s coiled to spring upward! You just wait, it’ll happen!!! Rand/Rand 2016, because nobody else can stand with a springing 1%er!

  2. When you reach into a bag of nuts… there’s a good chance you’ll grab one —

  3. Trump: "Fu*k the presidency! I should be Caesar."


    It’s not about what Democrats or Republicans once WERE"; it’s about what they ARE NOW!

    TODAY’S Republiclan Party is accepting, encouraging, enabling and condoning of racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, religious frauds and fanatics, vote suppressors, secessionists, vigilantes, liars, con artists, cheats, mercenaries, carnival barkers, birthers, deathers, propagandists, monopolists, corporatists, extortionists and socially, intellectually and psychologically isolated/ignorant and dysfunctional/misanthropic loons, goons, megalomaniacs and sociopaths. And their PHONY and FALSE EQUIVALENCY ARGUMENTS, and their WRONGLY accusing Democrats of the sins and failures THEY are MOST GUILTY of are their ONLY defense for BEING WHO THEY ARE TODAY!

    Today’s Republiclans can’t HONESTLY DEFEND or JUSTIFY who/what they are; they can only FALSELY ACCUSE Democrats of being JUST LIKE THEM!

  5. Picture any one of the GOP candidates in the Oval Office for 4-8 years. 240 years of evolution in our nation’s history and development, and this is the fruits of our labor?

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