CNN Poll Shows Trump Way Up In Iowa As Walker Falls

CNN/ORC Iowa Poll
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Former reality television star Donald Trump is leading the crowded Republican presidential field in Iowa and surging past all competitors, according to a CNN/ORC International Poll released Wednesday.

Trump polled at 22 percent among likely Iowa caucus goers while his closest competitor, former neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson, polled at 14 percent.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was at 9 percent. After impressive performances at last week’s presidential debates, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz polled at 8 percent and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina polled at 7 percent. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee also polled at 7 percent.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush polled at 5 percent alongside Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.

According to this poll, Trump was the best candidate equipped to handle terrorism, the economy and illegal immigration. Forty-four percent said Trump was the candidate to most likely change “the way things work in Washington.”

Carson was seen as the best candidate to deal with abortion.

The poll was conducted among 2,014 Iowa residents, 1,258 of whom are likely caucus voters, by cell phone and landline from August 7 to 11. The margin of error was plus or minus 2 percent overall and among likely voters it was plus or minus 3 percent.

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Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for korvu korvu says:

    A bad day for Walker is a good day in the universe.

  2. This is a poll among the Republicans in Iowa, who elected a woman to the Senate because she castrates pigs in her spare time growing up.

    But this is GOOD news for Republicans everywhere, Scott Walker was expelled from college for cheating and we wouldn’t want THOSE details to hit the media if he were the Republican candidate against a Dem with a law degree, 30 years of public service,… well… you get the picture.

    So the February caucus in Iowa will be held on a snowy night in winter when all the Trump folks will show up and huddle, (not a secret ballot or anyting that “democatic”)… and Bernie Sanders and Hillary will laugh between themselves no matter which of those two win the Dem caucuses. Bernie and Hillary actually like each other. Can’t say that Donald Trump likes ANY Republican rival for the nomination… he has already said so.

  3. And what if Fiorina overtakes Cruz and Walker? That is three non-politicians as front-runners. Pretty solid message from the GOP base, I’d day.

    Still, I never understood the logic of electing an outsider president who has no government, policy, military, economic, charitable, or diplomatic experience. The most important job on earth and these people want to give it to the person least equipped to do it. Baffling.

  4. The poll was conducted among 2,014 Iowa residents, 1,258 of whom are likely caucus voters…

    All 2,014 residents polled also thought Adam Sandler made funny movies, defying astronomical odds it was possible to randomly contact 2,014 muttering idiots in succession.
  5. according to a CNN/ORC International Poll

    I’ll believe it when I see it in an NPR/ELF poll.

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