A Trump Staffer Currently Helping To Craft Gun Policies Used To Work For The Gun Lobby

President Donald Trump holds up a replica flintlock rifle awarded him by cadets during the Republican Society Patriot Dinner. (Photo credit: Richard Ellis/Getty Images)
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A White House staffer who used to work for the gun lobby is now reportedly helping President Donald Trump craft gun safety proposals.

The Daily Beast reported on Wednesday that Michael B. Williams, who was appointed as Trump’s deputy assistant and counselor to the chief of staff in April, has been heavily involved in the White House’s gun policy initiatives.

He’s reportedly been participating in the White House’s discussions on gun control measures, including Trump’s recent phone call with a bipartisan group of senators discussing the chamber’s bill on background checks.

Williams’ LinkedIn profile shows that the Trump aide was the general counsel for the American Suppressor Association, a lobby group for gun silencer manufacturers and distributors, before he joined the Trump campaign in September 2016. Williams is also described as the ASA’s general counsel on its website.

Additionally, his profile lists the National Rifle Association’s Institute For Legislative Action as a former place of employment, where he worked as a law clerk for several months in 2013.

An unnamed White House official defended Williams’ involvement in gun control policymaking to the Daily Beast, saying that it was a “good thing” the White House employs “qualified staff with subject matter expertise to work on policy issues.”

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Notable Replies

  1. "general counsel for the American Suppressor Association, a lobby group for gun silencer manufacturers "



  2. Although I personally don’t like fens,bogs or marshes. This era should make environmentalists really happy, because never has there been such a deep deep swamp, that no matter how drained by noble politicians, is yet still deep, mucky, and full of alligators. Maybe 45* really is an environmental president after all.

  3. A White House staffer who used to work for the gun lobby is now reportedly helping President Donald Trump craft gun safety proposals.

    Par for the curse known as Trump.

  4. An unnamed White House official defended Williams’ involvement in gun control policymaking to the Daily Beast, saying that it was a “good thing” the White House employs “qualified staff with subject matter expertise to work on policy issues.”

    The one time, the one issue that they’re allowing someone with appropriate ( used ironically) “subject matter expertise” to work on policy issues.

    So to keep the ‘subject matter expertise’ line going- who do they have on staff that have been a victim of gun violence? What about an emergency medicine doctor or surgeon who has treated gun shot victims, victims shot with any AR style weapons? Who is their designated “good guy with a gun” who has actually stopped a mass shooting? Have they brought in any fire arms seller that had sold a weapon to a mass shooting perpetrator? What about the NRA member who’s gun was stolen and used in crime?
    Any of the above examples on this policymaking cabal?

  5. “qualified staff with subject matter expertise to work on policy issues.”

    Well of course, Stephen Miller is a scared white male, so that’s why he’s working on immigration.

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