President Donald Trump said late Sunday night that he and the rest of the White House would not immediately receive Pfizer’s new vaccine for COVID-19.
“People working in the White House should receive the vaccine somewhat later in the program, unless specifically necessary. I have asked that this adjustment be made,” he tweeted. “I am not scheduled to take the vaccine, but look forward to doing so at the appropriate time.”
Trump’s announcement came after the New York Times and Bloomberg reported that he and senior White House officials would be among the first to get the new vaccine as it rolls out over the next several days. The President and many of his top aides were infected with the virus amid their refusal to wear masks and persistent playing down of the pandemic.
Pfizer began shipping out the vaccine on Sunday. Heath care workers and nursing home residents are top priority to be vaccinated as daily infections skyrocket across the country.
That’s actually a decent thing to do and well formulated in the tweet. Who stole his phone?

I guess his anti bodies didn’t last long.
Who wants to bet “two scoops” already got it?
Let’s be honest:
With 53 known cases in the building, is it really important for them to spend the money on vaccinating people who’ve already been exposed or been sick?
Give it to the people on the front lines first. I expect to wait until at least June for my first.
The permanent low level White House staff should be high priority. If only as recompense for the unnecessary risk Trump caused them.