Trump On House Judiciary Doc Request: ‘I Cooperate All The Time’ But ‘It’s All A Hoax’

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Reacting to a House Judiciary Committee request for documents from the White House and dozens of his allies and associates Monday, President Donald Trump said “I cooperate all the time with everybody.”

But he quickly added, “And you know the beautiful thing: No collusion, it’s all a hoax.”

He turned to the North Dakota State University football players standing around him, who were visiting the White House Monday.

“You’re going to learn about that as you grow older,” Trump told them. “It’s a political hoax. There’s no collusion. There’s no anything.”

The President gestured to a feast of fast food displayed before the players: “Folks, go and eat up. Eat up.”

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  1. Trump then beckoned to a feast of fast food displayed before the players

    “Beckoned” is not the right word but, still, that’s pitiful.



  2. Good!!! Let’s play “Government”!!

  3. Poor guy clearly had hamberders on the brain.

  4. Avatar for spin spin says:

    “cooperation” is just another word for “I’ll oppose your subpeonas in Court”.

    Just get the process started, and watch the assignment wheel in the D.C. District Court so you get the right judge for your motion to compel compliance with the Subpeona.

    And for anyone outside of the White House itself, send out the Sargent At Arms to enforce the Subpeona if not responded to.

  5. Trump then beckoned to a feast of fast food displayed before the players: “Folks, go and eat up. Eat up.”

    What, AOC? You haven’t confiscated all the hamburgers yet? No wonder people say socialism doesn’t work.

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