Trump Taunts ‘Failed Presidential Candidate’ Romney After Senator Votes To Remove Him

Mitt Romney leaves after a meeting with President-elect Donald Trump at the clubhouse of Trump National Golf Club on November 19, 2016 in Bedminster, New Jersey. (Photo credit: DON EMMERT/AFP via Getty Images)
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“I’m sure to hear abuse from the President and his supporters,” Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) predicted as he was announcing his momentous vote to convict and remove President Donald Trump in the impeachment trial on Wednesday.

Right on cue, President Donald Trump dished out exactly that.

“Had failed presidential candidate @MittRomney devoted the same energy and anger to defeating a faltering Barack Obama as he sanctimoniously does to me, he could have won the election,” he tweeted early Thursday morning. “Read the Transcripts!”

Several hours earlier, Trump tweeted a video with footage of his victory in the 2016 presidential race and Romney’s defeat in 2012. Part of the video included material from an attack ad that accused the Utah senator of being a “Democrat secret asset.”

The ad, crated by conservative activist group Club for Growth, was released in October after Romney criticized Trump for pushing Ukraine and China to give him dirt on 2020 Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

“By all appearances, the President’s brazen and unprecedented appeal to China and to Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden is wrong and appalling,” Romney had said.

The Utah Republican broke from the rest of the GOP on Wednesday and voted to have Trump removed for abuse of power, making him the first senator in U.S. history to convict a president of his own party.

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Notable Replies

  1. Yesterday, Mitt Romney demonstrated more integrity than three generations of Trump’s, and the rest of the GOP Senate, have ever exhibited collectively.

    And you’re still IMPEACHED.

  2. “This Tweet brought to you by Kellyanne Conway.”

  3. This so gets under his skin
    He knows it
    Every Senator who voted to acquit knows it that in their heart Mitt is right
    They just lacked the moral courage to do what is right
    History will brand them as what they are

  4. All is not lost. I’m sure we can count on the House to approach comprehensive, meticulous investigations of Trump with renewed vigor, after his reelection.

  5. Look, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians have fought and died in numerous wars, all to protect the right and ability of members of Congress to avoid being primaried. Your comment disrespects them, and disparages their sacrifices.

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