Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren escalated her feud with rapper Cardi B by suggesting in an interview with “Fox and Friends” Wednesday morning that freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was endorsing and even encouraging violence against her by retweeting the rapper’s comments.
Following Cardi B and Lahren’s Twitter tussle on Monday, Ocasio-Cortez stood up for the fellow Bronx native in a tweet.
Why do people think they can mess with Bronx women without getting roasted?
They act as though our borough hasn’t been perfecting the clapback game since the Sugarhill Gang ? y’all just found it on Twitter
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 20, 2019
In a different tweet, that Ocasio-Cortez did not retweet, Cardi B said she would “dog walk” Lahren.
“I’m not surprised at anything Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez But again, I’m also impressed the way the left does the mental gymnastics to justify it,” Lahren told Fox News Wednesday. “Listen, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, on all daily basis, says that Trump supporters and President Trump himself incite violence and then she goes and applauds and encourages a tweet by a rapper who threatens physical violence against so, again, this is a double standard at play and not just rappers, it’s not trust trolls on Twitter. These are elected representatives who are endorsing and saying the same thing.”
Lahren claims AOC encouraged violence against her
— TPM Livewire (@TPMLiveWire) January 23, 2019
Who gives a shit what Tomi Lahren says… typical Fox tRump acolyte.
a mold punches them out on a regular basis.
please ignore the goobers in the lower right, I didn’t fact check the visual…
A couple of hanging chads in the stamping die.
Meme in vitro: “Thanks, AOC!”
It’s quite the mental game of Twister she’s playing to somehow arrive at, “AOC encouraged physical violence against me…”, since nothing, and I do mean nothing, in the tweet AOC retweeted suggests violence of any kind. So, uh, where’s the beef?
This “famous Dem double standard” appears to be more projection than reality…
Note: I don’t know what it means to “dog walk” someone. If it is a ‘threat of violence’ it sure seems tame to me… regardless, that has no relevance to this, since AOC didn’t reference that tweet in any way?
What she’s claiming is equal to saying that retweeting any tweet by CardiB is encouraging violence against her. So yeah, pity the poor, victimized, right-wing projectionist…
I don’t understand. Isn’t walking a dog an act of compassion and responsibility?