SCOTUS Temporarily Blocks Subpoena To Deutsche Bank For Trump’s Finance Docs

A police officer stands guard on the steps of the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC, June 15, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / JIM WATSON (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)
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The Supreme Court temporarily agreed to block a congressional subpoena of Deutsche Bank for President Trump’s financial records.

The high court agreed to grant Trump’s emergency request to halt the enforcement of the subpoena after an appeals court ruling that ordered the bank to comply with subpoenas from the House Financial Services and Intelligence Committees. The two committees are interested in reviewing Trump’s tax records and other financial documents related to his businesses and specifically his dealing with Deutsche Bank over the years.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg granted the stay, which will be in effect until December 13. In the meantime the court will decide whether to give the Trump administration a longer stay as it gives Trump’s lawyers time to file a formal appeal.

The fight over the Deutsche Bank records is the third case involving Trump’s financial records to come to the Supreme Court. The high court already granted a temporary stay for another House Oversight Committee subpoena for documents from Trump’s accounting firm, but justices have not yet agreed to take up any of the cases.

Read the SCOTUS order on the Deutsche Bank subpoena below:

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Notable Replies

  1. Not enough fingers to plug the holes in this dike.

  2. Avatar for dave48 dave48 says:

    Eventually (and I hope it’s soon) SCOTUS with have to make a decision on one of the cases involving Trump’s financial records. They’ll only have to decide against Trump on one of them for all of his finances to be exposed. It seems very unlikely that even this Supreme Court would decide that a sitting President is above the law and should never even be investigated, so I don’t see this ending well for Trump. I only hope it ends soon.

  3. I understand this is probably standard procedure, but is it too much to wish for that once, just once, someone would stop these a-holes cold with a big, nasty, NO?!

  4. I may be SOP but it’s still very disappointing.

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