Don Jr. On Russia Probe: ‘No Actual Crimes’ Just ‘Things People Did In Past Lives’

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Donald Trump Jr. thought up a creative way to discredit the indictments special counsel Robert Mueller has already secured, telling the “Fox and Friends” hosts Monday morning that there were “no actual crimes,” just “things people did in past lives.”

“They’re not investigating actual crimes anymore,” Trump Jr. said. “They’re literally trying to find something they can make a big deal of.”

“What they did is they put incredible pressure on regular guys that couldn’t afford million dollars in legal fees, got them to slip up, say something incorrectly,” he continued. “They pretended they’re their friends.”

“There are no actual crimes,” he concluded. “There is only things that people did in past lives, in 2006 before we even thought we’d ever get into this crazy world.”

So far, eight people have pleaded guilty to charges brought due to Mueller’s investigation.

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Notable Replies

  1. It’s your future lives that are really gonna suck, Oh spawns of Dotard…

  2. Avatar for sanni sanni says:

    So he’s saying He, Dad, and their minions are… Scientologists?

    (past lives reference.)

  3. “They’re literally trying to find something they can make a big deal of.”

    Why must Don Jr express himself like he’s thirteen years old?

    Also, good luck with the “it was my past life!” strategy in court.

  4. Avatar for erik_t erik_t says:

    I am very excited for the next phase of the Trumpsplainment, which is what is and is not an “actual crime”.

  5. Junior, go ask Paul Manafort what No Actual Prison Time is like.

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