A judge revoked his permission for Trump-world lawyer Lin Wood to argue in a Carter Page case Monday, calling Wood’s behavior a “toxic stew of mendacity, prevarication and surprising incompetence.”
The Page case centers on defamation allegations stemming from the Mueller probe.
“I acknowledge that I preside over a small part of the legal world in a small state,” Judge Craig Karsnitz of the Superior Court of Delaware wrote. “However, we take pride in our bar.”

Karsnitz referred to Wood’s filings in other states, in which Wood spearheaded legal attempts to overturn the November election. The judge called Wood’s Georgia case “textbook frivolous litigation” and said that another complaint of his in a Wisconsin case “would not survive a law school civil procedure class.”
The judge also made reference to Wood’s recent tweets (before he, like many peddlers of the QAnon conspiracy theory, got kicked off the platform), which include calls for Vice President Mike Pence to be executed. His tweets have been gobbled up by heavy consumers of pro-Trump conspiracy theories. Among them was Ashli Babbitt, the woman who was shot and killed at the Capitol Wednesday as she and the rest of the mob surged towards the House chamber.
“No doubt these tweets, and many other things, incited these riots,” the judge wrote, before clarifying that he was kicking Wood off the case due to his election lawsuits apart from the tweeting.
Wood’s error-riddled filings have become infamous, with observers getting a particular kick out of one sign-off “under plenty of perjury.”
Read Karsnitz’s order here:
Well said, with my only objection being to the use of the word “surprising”. A man capable of being kicked off Parler, for Pete’s sake, is not a paragon of stability, virtue, or clear-thinking. But please, Judge, do continue…
Is it just me, or could a “toxic stew of mendacity, prevarication and surprising incompetence” be one of the ways history books will describe the Trump administration in the near future?
yes, goddammit discobot, learn to recognize “Everything Trump Touches Dies”
It looks as though 2021 is going to be a very bad year for scumbags, at least it’s starting out that way.
Lin Wood is what you get when you hire your Elle Woods from Wish.