Kushner: Russian State Bank CEO And I ‘Never Discussed Business’ In ’16 Meeting

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White House senior adviser Jared Kushner said Tuesday that he “never discussed business” with the head of the Russian state investment bank Vnesheconombank (VEB), with whom he met shortly after the 2016 election upon the recommendation of then-Russian ambassador to the United States Sergei Kislyak.

“We never discussed business together,” Kushner told Time Magazine’s Brian Bennett in an interview, referring to VEB CEO Sergei Gorkov. “I’ve done testimony on this. Everything was unusual at that time. We were an outsider campaign.”

Kushner met with Gorkov on Dec. 13, 2016 upon Kislyak’s urging, days after the first public reports that U.S. intelligence agencies had concluded that Russia had worked to help Trump’s campaign and hurt Hillary Clinton’s.

Kusher was still serving as chief executive of Kushner Companies at the time, and VEB was (and still is) subject to U.S. sanctions as a result of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, raising questions as to the purpose of the meeting. Gorkov later said that he met with Kushner in Kushner’s capacity as a CEO.

Kushner’s statement Tuesday is yet another insistence from the senior White House adviser that the meeting was meant to be diplomatic and unrelated to his business.

Based on interviews with Kushner and his assistant Avi Berkowitz, the Mueller report didn’t have much more to add to the story: “Kushner did not, however, recall any discussion during his meeting with Gorkov about the sanctions against VEB or sanctions more generally,” it stated. “Kushner stated in an interview that he did not engage in any preparation for the meeting and that no one on the Transition Team even did a Google search for Gorkov’s name.”

After describing Kushner and Gorkov’s different reads of the meeting, Mueller reported: “The investigation did not resolve the apparent conflict in the accounts of Kushner and Gorkov or determine whether the meeting was diplomatic in nature (as Kushner stated), focused on business (as VEB’s public statement indicated), or whether it involved some combination of those matters or other matters. Regardless, the investigation did not identify evidence that Kushner and Gorkov engaged in any substantive follow-up after the meeting.”

The President tweeted Tuesday that he was pleased with his son-in-law’s performance.

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Notable Replies

  1. Just Russian adoptions?

  2. Avatar for theod theod says:

    hhhhmhmmm…has anybody here ever met a banker who didn’t want to discuss business at the exclusion of every other possible topic under the sun? I haven’t.

  3. Avatar for tobie tobie says:

    For months talking heads on TV have assured us that Mueller and his team are thorough. This though–like other aspects of the report–strikes me as anything but thorough. Why did Mueller let so much slide on the conspiracy front? From the report:

    The investigation did not resolve the apparent conflict in the accounts of Kushner and Gorkov or determine whether the meeting was diplomatic in nature (as Kushner stated), focused on business (as VEB’s public statement indicated), or whether it involved some combination of those matters or other matters.

  4. Avatar for ghost ghost says:

    Well there’s business and there’s business, yaknowwhatImean…

  5. Folks, the headline could read: “Kushner Passes Top-Secret Info to Putin” and the GOP would shrug and claim he’s “new to politics”. There is no one minding the store. The GOP has devolved into a mafia organization bent on brute, ugly power grabs and total disregard for the US Constitution. And, in the end, nothing will be done about it. Just watch.

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