House Lawyers Think Redactions In Mueller Report Reveal That Trump Lied

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Lawyers for the House of Representative revealed in a Monday filing that they have reason to believe that grand jury redactions from the Mueller report lay out that President Donald Trump lied about his ignorance of his campaign’s interactions with WikiLeaks.

According to Politico, the lawyers are trying to get their hands on the grand jury materials, which have been kept secret.

The lawyers say that understanding Trump’s motives for trying to interfere with former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe “may also be relevant to the House’s investigation of the president’s solicitation of Ukrainian interference in the 2020 election.”

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Notable Replies

  1. Lawyers for the House of Representative revealed in a Monday filing that they have reason to believe that grand jury redactions from the Mueller report lay out that President Donald Trump lied about his ignorance of his campaign’s interactions with WikiLeaks.

    Say it’s not soooo…

  2. Of course trump lied. It’s what he does. And if he wants to mount his defense via twitter he will find that sucks as an actual meaningful tactic.

  3. Someone done got himself impeached over lying about consensual interaction with another adult.

    Lying about colluding with a foreign power? It’s all cool brah!

  4. Don’t just say it, do it…get the UNREDACTED grand jury documents now that there is an impeachment inquiry AND that the Criminal-In-Chief is all over the globe extorting/coercing/asking illegal favors from foreign nations to fabricate 2016 dirt on HRC + JB as well as win 2020 election with other illegal foreign help! Notwithstanding the Criminal-In-Chief inciting civil war and threatening WBs!

    Per Mueller testimony…Trump’s written answers under oath was ‘Generally’ NOT always truthful.

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