As Trump Smears Masks As ‘Politically Correct,’ Hannity Emphasizes Their Importance

(Screenshot: Fox News/Snapstream)
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Conservative Fox News host Sean Hannity, usually a reliable mouthpiece for President Donald Trump, took a rare stance at odds with Trump on the issue of wearing masks amid COVID-19 on Tuesday night.

During his program, Hannity decried the crowd of vacationers at the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri who were blatantly disregarding health officials’ guidelines on preventing the spread of the virus.

He then urged viewers to wear masks, a precautionary measure recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that Trump has both ignored and derided as a crusade by those he claims are part of the politically correct crowd.

“If you can’t social distance, please wear the mask,” Hannity pleaded. “Do it for your mom, your dad, your grandma, your grandpa.”

The right-wing host asserted that “we need to use some common sense.”

“You need to be cautious. Take precautions because we don’t want it to spread to vulnerable people,” Hannity said. “We’ve seen what happens when we do.”

During a press briefing earlier on Tuesday, Trump swiped at a reporter for wearing a mask.

“You want to be politically correct,” he said.

Not only do Hannity’s pleas stand in contrast with Trump’s attitude on masks, they also mark a pivot from the conservative host’s earlier efforts to downplay the pandemic itself.

Watch Hannity below:

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Notable Replies

  1. “He then urged viewers to wear masks,…”

    Must have suffered a blow to the head recently, he’s not himself.

  2. This cannot be stressed enough: FUCK. HANNITY.

    Do not give this man any credit or airtime pretending he’s redeemable. He’s not. He’s is literally one of the single worst people walking this planet and deserves whatever misery and suffering karma can be convinced to shower upon him.

    This article should not exist.

    This is how they get you. They make it about the masks and then demand that everyone go about normal life and quit staying at home. And then the virus spreads anyway, because nobody’s running around sporting an N95 mask and office building HVACs are distributing it like manure spreaders. But by then we’ll have no recourse in the argument because we went along with it, eager to have our victory over getting them all to mask themselves. “As long as there’s masking, we should be open.” Concede that and we’re toast. It diverts all of the argument away from the true prerequisite for opening back up: testing.

  3. To respect others, we should wear masks assuming we have and could possibly transmit the virus to others. There is one more thing we could assume, i.e. that Donald Trump is a stupid, self-serving fool.

  4. I wonder which of Hannity’s relatives and/or friends contracted the virus.

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