CORRECTED: Senate Obtains Docs On Russian Social Media Giant’s Contacts With Trump Campaign

3149512 07/10/2017 Page of the RIA Novosti news agency in the VKontakte social networking on the screen of a laptop. Alexey Malgavko/Sputnik via AP
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Editor’s Note: Due to a reporting error, this story originally reported that Vkontakte had directly provided documents to Senate Judiciary Committee investigators about contacts between a company executive and the Trump campaign. TPM has no information on how the committee obtained the documents, and there is no evidence to suggest Vkontakte is cooperating with the investigation. We regret the error.

Senate investigators have obtained information about contacts between an executive at a Russian social media giant and the Trump campaign, TPM has learned.

The documents obtained by the Senate Judiciary Committee relate to communication between VKontakte and Dan Scavino, a Trump campaign staffer who now works as the White House social media director.

Vkontakte, a social network similar to Facebook, ranks as the most popular website in Russia and is owned by the publicly traded Mail.Ru.

The nature of the documents obtained by the Committee isn’t clear, but previous reports in the press have detailed emails exchanged in 2016 between Konstantin Sidorkov, VKontakte’s director of partnership marketing, and Scavino.

The Washington Post first reported on the email exchange last month, citing “people familiar with the messages.” Sidorkov emailed Scavino and Donald Jr., offering to help make Trump’s campaign “the top news in Russia,” the Post reported. In response, Scavino expressed interest, but it isn’t clear that the conversation progressed beyond that introduction.

The Post added that Scavino’s liaison with Vkontakte was Rob Goldstone, the music publicist who also brokered the Trump Tower meeting between Donald Trump, Jr, and a Kremlin-linked lawyer.

On Wednesday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, sent letters to Scavino and Brad Parscale, the Trump campaign’s digital director, asking about the campaign’s contacts with Russia. “[T]he Committee has received information that you may have corresponded with Russian nationals regarding Trump campaign social media efforts,” Feinstein wrote to Scavino.

Vkontakte is broadly used in Russia, but its English-language users tend to be politically aligned far to the right of the mainstream, the Post reported.

TPM has contacted Vkontakte for comment and will update this piece with any response.

Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for nemo nemo says:

    Speaking of new media, I’m going to raise an OT matter that seems important but hasn’t been covered by TPM:

    Senator Markey (D) has a bill to save net neutrality. He needs 30 cosponsors to force a vote on the Senate floor. He currently only has 29. That means that 20 Democratic senators have not yet signed up.

    Can anyone explain why Markey hasn’t simply got 49 signatures in double-quick time? I know that Democratic congress critters couldn’t win a hand of poker if they were dealt 4 aces, but this is simply mind-boggling.

  2. Avatar for erik_t erik_t says:

    I mean, who among us hasn’t emailed back and forth with senior leadership of Russian social media?

    Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing, because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing is frowned upon… you know, cause I’ve worked in a lot of political campaigns, and I tell you, people do that all the time.

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