Stop Calling DeSantis v. Disney A Feud!

INSIDE: George Santos ... Stacey Plaskett ... Dianne Feinstein
LAKE BUENA VISTA, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES - 2023/04/17: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis holds a press conference at the Reedy Creek Administration Building in Lake Buena Vista. DeSantis announced legislative action to n... LAKE BUENA VISTA, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES - 2023/04/17: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis holds a press conference at the Reedy Creek Administration Building in Lake Buena Vista. DeSantis announced legislative action to nullify the agreement between the Reedy Creek Improvement District and Walt Disney World which was designed to permit Disney to retain control of its theme park and surrounding property. (Photo by Paul Hennessy/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images) MORE LESS
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A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo.

C’mon, This Ain’t The Hatfields and McCoys

I love covering a good ol’ fashion pissing match as much as anyone. Call it what you want: feud, quarrel, squabble, grudge match. I’m almost always there for it, especially when neither side is particularly sympathetic. But – and this is an important caveat – pissing match coverage can be a sub-genre of bothsidesism. Take for example the direction that the coverage of Disney standing up to the bullying of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is starting to take.

Sample headlines from yesterday (emphasis mine):

NBC News: Disney scraps plan for new Florida campus amid DeSantis feud

NYT: Amid Feud With DeSantis, Disney Cancels $1 Billion Development in Florida.

BBC: Disney scraps $867m Florida plan amid Ron DeSantis feud

Calling what’s happening a “feud” minimizes the stakes. Its subtext is a classic of bothsidesism handwringing: Why can’t they just aloooong???

In general, I’m not a fan of relying on corporate interests to vindicate broader ethical, moral or political aspirations. Their commercial interests compromise them too much to serve as proxies for the things we care about most. But for better or worse, companies are often on the frontlines when the GOP manufactures another cultural clash.

In this case, Disney stood up to defend its patrons and employees against DeSantis’ Don’t Say Gay law. DeSantis retaliated in dramatic and unprecedented ways. Disney stood firm. DeSantis upped the ante. Disney fought back. DeSantis kept going. Disney sued. Florida sued back. It’s still going.

I get that there’s a punch-counterpunch back and forth here that lends itself to pissing match-type coverage, but both sides aren’t equal here. I don’t for a minute buy the fairy tale Disney image of innocence, sweetness, and light. It’s a corporate entertainment giant with all that that entails. But corporate Disney under CEO Bob Iger made a calculated business decision to stand on principle.

To reduce what’s happening to a “feud” misses important elements of the story.

A tinpot governor with proto-fascist tendencies is trying to bend a multinational corporation with a footprint in his state to his will, make them compliant and subservient, and cow not just other corporations but other institutional power centers, like universities. That’s not a “feud”! You don’t want anyone just “getting along” with that agenda.

Preach, Brother!

Fani Willis Aiming For Early August Indictments


Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis sent a letter Thursday sent a letter to county Superior Court Chief Judge Ural Glanville indicating that she plans to have much of her staff work remotely for most days during the first three weeks of August and asking that judges not schedule trials and in-person hearings during part of that time. Copied in on the letter are 20 other county officials, including Sheriff Pat Labat, the court clerk and top leaders.

Alvin Bragg Considers New Charges Against Trump Org’s Ex-CFO


The threat of new charges represents the latest effort in a two-year campaign to persuade Mr. Weisselberg to testify against Mr. Trump. And it comes at a crucial time, just weeks after the district attorney, Alvin L. Bragg, unveiled an indictment of the former president.

Santos Comms Director Resigns

The poor woman in the thankless role of communications director for Rep. George Santos (R-NY) quit with one of the best parting shots ever: “Unfortunately, you never took one point of professional advice given.”


Stacey Plaskett, the ranking member on Jim Jordan’s “weaponization” subcommittee, is proving to be the perfect counterweight to Jordan despite her status as a non-voting delegate from Virgin Islands.

Here she is blowing things up in yesterday’s committee hearing that focused on the GOP’s newfound anti-FBI fervor, with Jordan hauling in purported “whistleblowers” whose security clearances have been revoked because of questions about their allegiance to the Constitution:

The Kash Patel Connection

One other gem from yesterday’s Jim Jordan circus ring:

What’s Going On Between Sotomayor and Kagan?

New Details On Feinstein’s Poor Health


Ms. Feinstein’s frail appearance was a result of several complications after she was hospitalized for shingles in February, some of which she has not publicly disclosed. The shingles spread to her face and neck, causing vision and balance impairments and facial paralysis known as Ramsay Hunt syndrome. The virus also brought on a previously unreported case of encephalitis, a rare but potentially debilitating complication of shingles that a spokesman confirmed on Thursday after The New York Times first revealed it, saying that the condition had “resolved itself” in March.

Characterized by swelling of the brain, post-shingles encephalitis can leave patients with lasting memory or language problems, sleep disorders, bouts of confusion, mood disorders, headaches and difficulties walking. Older patients tend to have the most trouble recovering. And even before this latest illness, Ms. Feinstein had already suffered substantial memory issues that had raised questions about her mental capacity.

Strong Reporting Effort

WSJ: Antiabortion Group Used Cellphone Data to Target Ads to Planned Parenthood Visitors

So You Like Open Carry Laws, Uh?

A pet theory of mine has been that we could roll back a lot of the insane new gun laws in America if Black men rose up as one and started taking advantage of them to openly carry. Not fair to Black men of course, but the calculus seemed solid: Do white people really want everyone to have guns or is something else going on (duh). Welp … it was more of a thought exercise than an actual plan anyway:

Say You’re Pro-Coup Without Saying You’re Pro-Coup

Have A Great Weekend!

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Notable Replies

  1. I’m GOt caT.

    A tinpot CEO IgER with proto-fascist tendencies is trying to bend a STATe iNTO ACCePTing More thAn Two gender (science!) AND mAKing EVERYone saY gaY and GEt aBortionS. WOKE carTOONS ND bOOKS with Gay and Transgender ANd BLAck minorITIES is maKing Whites FEELings HUrt aNd Trying TO grOOM our KIDs.

  2. From the EdBlog:

    Leading Edge

    By Josh Marshall

    May 18, 2023 10:30 p.m.

    “Fascist curious GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has an idea for addressing GOP challenges with young voters that is likely to catch on with other Republicans: don’t let them vote.”

    Maybe somebody should tell Vivek Ramaswamy that “Aryan” means something different to Aryan Nation than how he interprets it.

  3. I look forward to when the press stops calling Disney vs. De Santis a ‘political feud’ and, instead, calls it De Santis’ ‘humiliating defeat.’ (ed.)

  4. Avatar for tsp tsp says:

    Disney stood up to defend its patrons and employees against DeSantis’ Don’t Say Gay law. DeSantis retaliated in dramatic and unprecedented ways. Disney stood firm. DeSantis upped the ante. Disney fought back. DeSantis kept going. Disney sued. Florida sued back. It’s still going.

    Bootsie’s real intent: (Scary as fuck!)

    "…Press interest has perked up lately, with DeSantis’ policy initiatives becoming more febrile as his announcement draws nigh.

    "But the press hasn’t begun to devote sufficient attention to the curious experiment DeSantis has launched, based on the hypothesis that it’s possible to win a presidential nomination, not to mention a presidential election, by appealing exclusively to a bloc of racists, antisemites, gun nuts and other nightcrawlers of the far right. An America led by DeSantis as he has portrayed himself thus far would be a dystopian hellhole.

    “Let the examination begin…”Michael Hiltzik, LA Times, on what a “President Ron DeSantis” would bring to America. Hiltzik goes on at length to remind us of Bootsie’s noxious record that, as he notes, the media have not drilled down on sufficiently.

    By the way, the latest disaster Bootsie’s visited on Florida is the loss of a $1 billion Disney campus in Orlando, which would have added 2,000 high- paying jobs to that state’s economy. Disney said the decision was made due to “changing business decisions,” i.e., Bootsie’s continuing harassment of Disney for opposing his “Don’t Say Gay” law.

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