Amid a wave of expert litigators declining offers to join President Donald Trump’s Russia probe team, the White House defended the team Tuesday.
During a press briefing Tuesday, the Washington Post’s Philip Rucker asked White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders about the “number of high-profile lawyers” who have declined Trump’s offers to join his legal team, naming Dan Webb and Ted Olson, the former solicitor general, as well as unnamed “others.”
“I’m wondering why the President has had so much trouble finding an experienced lawyer willing to take him on?” Rucker asked. “And who at this hour is his lead counsel in negotiating with Robert Mueller and the special counsel’s [office]?”
“The President has a highly qualified team with several individuals that have been part of this process,” Sanders responded, naming Ty Cobb and Jay Sekulow.
“For specific details on any search process outside of the White House, I would refer you to his outside counsel.”
Rucker pointed out that Ty Cobb works for the White House, rather than for Trump personally. John Dowd recently resigned as Trump’s top personal lawyer taking on the Russia probe.
“Outside of the White House, I would refer you to Jay Sekulow, who can address any detailed questions on that front,” Sanders said.
The New York Times on Sunday reported that Sekulow was the only lawyer of Trump’s “who is working full time on the special counsel’s investigation.”
… the team includes the janitor service who are highly qualified at dealing with garbage.
I can still hear the echoes of roars of laughter from the news rooms across the country as the reports/stories about this question at the presser were sent in. As in - the WH expects us to believe this statement - hahahahahahaha (breath) hahahaha… (etc.)
Did she curl her lip and say “Look—it’s obvious that the President’s legal team…”
Note to self: don’t ever use the word “Look” for a cue in a drinking game. This bunch will have you passing out in 5 minutes.
At this juncture, any reputable attorney will stay away from this dumpster fire because the entanglement will cause reputational harm not to mention getting stiffed on attorney’s fees and having a pathological liar as a client who refuses advice that does not align with his delusions, ego and vendettas. Moreover, what attorney wants to be the doormat, fall guy and whipping boy for this impossible to please client who will treat you like toilet paper when it comes time to wipe his ass of the problem.
This is so great. He’s in perfect hands. Lets let him be.