‘Inclusive’ Indiana Church Targeted With Graffiti Of Swastika, Gay Slur

St. David’s Episcopal Church/Facebook
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A church in Bean Blossom, Indiana was vandalized over the weekend with graffiti of “HEIL TRUMP”, “FAG CHURCH” and a swastika, which its pastor believes was meant to target the church’s inclusive message.

“At first I was a little disheartened,” Rev. Kelsey Hutto said, according to the Washington Post. “Saint David’s has been very active in our community and to find that is hurtful.”

Hutton told the post that she thought her church was targeted because of its inclusivity.

St. David’s Episcopal Church/Facebook

“We’re proud of being targeted for the reason that we were targeted for, at least in which we think we were targeted for, which is being inclusive,” she said.

So St. David’s Episcopal Church decided to keep the vandalism up.

“We believe that symbols are what you make of them,” Hutto told the Post. “And if we decide to look at these symbols as hate and be angry and frustrated, we’re focusing on the wrong issue. And so we’ve decided to leave them up as symbols of hope, whereas if anybody in the surrounding area — or even country — sees these and knows that we were targeted because we’re inclusive and they need a safe space, then they know that Saint David’s is a safe space.”

St. David’s Episcopal Church/Facebook

Bean Blossom is in Brown County, which the Indiana secretary of state recorded voted nearly two-to-one for Trump, who received 5,015 votes to Hillary Clinton’s 2,518.

The FBI reported Monday that hate crimes were up six percent overall in 2015 from the previous year. Hate crimes against Muslims in particular were up 67 percent from the previous year.

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Notable Replies

  1. It’s not enough to keep repeating, “this is not normal” – as if those are magic words (like “islamic terrorism”)… we have to make sure that THIS IS NOT NORMAL OR TOLERATED.

  2. HitlarY faLsE flaG paiD libTarD spraY painters. ProBably A bunch of FaGs. Trump is InclusIve.

  3. Mitch McConnell says we’re all on one team now, so just pipe down!

  4. Just as a test, someone or group who is willing to play along should claim responsibility for the crime, proudly proclaiming their right to … whatever. I wonder if the jerks who actually did would be goaded into speaking up and proudly saying, “No, it was me!”

  5. Plus which HO said “Stop it.” And we know he can make anyone do anything just by telling them to do that thing. So this is a false-flag Soros-paid thing.

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