Erick Erickson Says Journalists Have ‘Erections’ For Obama In Wild 4:30 AM Blog Post

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Erick Erickson might want to think twice the next time he writes something before 5 a.m.

In an angry 4:30 a.m. ET blog post that he probably should have slept on, the RedState editor went scorched earth Wednesday on the “shameless whores” in the press for giving President Obama a pass on the delay to the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate.

But you journalists have such erections for everything Barack Obama does, you can’t even summon outrage to report fairly on the latest b.s. from the administration over Obamacare. Is it any wonder so many people have stopped trusting you?

But Erickson wasn’t done. He pilloried the press for treating Obama better than his predecessor.

If this was George Bush telling businesses they cannot take advantage of an arguable unconstitutional restricting of law done without Congress’s consent unless the businesses swore oaths that they’d lie if they need to downsize due to Obamacare costs, the media would start talking about impeaching the President in non-ironic ways.
But with President Obama, half of MSNBC still wants to have his baby and the women over there just want to be his mistress. Hell, France’s President has one.
No, we don’t need to impeach the President, but God help me I’d at least think the media might want to pretend to hold him accountable. It really is disgraceful.

Erickson has no regrets for the piece, declaring on Twitter that he “won the internet.”

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