Stephen Colbert on Monday celebrated the wave of good news following Mitt Romney’s strong debate performance. The GOP nominee got a bump in the polls and campaign donations started rolling in. “It’s all good news,” Colbert said. “Except for any news that is actually good.” Like the unemployment rate, which fell to 7.8 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics found on Friday. The drop caused conservatives to openly question whether the Obama administration “cooked the books” to make up for the president’s lackluster debate performance.
“This 0.3 percent drop in the unemployment rate seems just a little too barely better to be true,” Colbert said. While the BLS vows there’s no conspiracy behind the numbers, Colbert wasn’t convinced.
“Last month 114,000 unemployed moochers — the president’s natural allies — suddenly yank the government teat out of their months, get off the couch for 40 hours a week. Why? I say follow the money. Because I found out that right around the time those people got those jobs, they started getting paid.
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The Colbert Report | Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Unemployment Below Eight Percent | ||||