Calling All Lawyers!

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As we make the final push to reach our $500,000 goal for the TPM Journalism Fund drive, I want to thank all of the lawyer contributors and see if I can convince a few more to help out. 

Some of the biggest contributions to date to the TPM Journalism Fund drive have come from the legal community. We can’t thank you enough for that. 

TPM has always had a significant lawyer cohort amongst its readership. They’ve also been sources for us, financial supporters, experts when we need them to help understand legal matters, and served as guardrails when we get things not quite right. 

Some of you may recall that way back when I was a lawyer-source for TPM before coming aboard here. I know how time-consuming practicing law can be. I know many of you intend to contribute but just haven’t been able to get to it yet. Totally understand. But we’re coming up on the end of our drive. We need to persuade you to act now. 

If you haven’t had a minute to complete the transaction, please do it now. Or jot down 10 minutes on your calendar for this week. It won’t take that long and you’ll be glad to have an extra five minutes to catch your breath. 

If you need an extra nudge, how’s this? I’d put TPM’s coverage of the threat to the rule of law over the past seven years up against anyone’s. It’s near and dear to my heart. I know it is to yours, too. Please help support that coverage by clicking here now

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