A few house cleaning items regarding both our public and Prime commenting/discussion areas. Please take a look.
With our recent updates to the mobile site and to our discussion platform, I wanted to briefly bring everyone up to speed on a few things:
- Comments are back on mobile! Check them out if you haven’t yet done so.
- For the first time ever, The Hive (sub required) can be accessed on mobile, which means…
- Also for the first time ever, you need not be at your desktop computer (or tablet) to follow along with a Live Chat!
- That being said, we are looking for feedback on our Live Chats. What guests would you like to see? What topics would you prefer? How’s the format? We want to know! Please, jump in this thread and tell us your thoughts!
- Finally, many have asked about the avatar situation. For those of you who have an avatar that was uploaded via TPM, the commenting software should synch up with TPM’s database after a visit or two and you’ll have your avatar back.
However, if you had been using an avatar that was uploaded to Gravitar, you’ll need to re-upload through TPM. This is because Discourse, the commenting software TPM uses, no longer supports Gravitar. We’re very sorry for that inconvenience. But, no worries, you can upload the avatar of your choice by logging in and heading here. Also, if that link doesn’t display your avatar currently, then that means you need to re-upload.