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Among the Feral Trumpers

Mark Aguirre
Mark Aguirre (Houston Police Department)
December 15, 2021 10:20 a.m.
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So many people involved in the “voter fraud” sham are simply stone cold liars or the types who play act believing things with some winks and nods to themselves. But the movement also has lots of people who genuinely believe. And now one of them has been indicted for running a guy off the road and putting a gun to his head back in October 2020.

Mark Aguirre is a former Houston PD captain who was hired by a straight-out-of-central-casting “conservative activist” named Steven Hotze. They were operating as what Aguirre identified to police as the “Liberty Center,” which seems to have been a self-styled private Big Lie-centered investigation. (It’s full legal name is The Liberty Center for God and Country, because of course it is.)

Back in October 2020, Aguirre spent four days surveilling an AC repair man named David Lopez Zuniga. He suspected Lopez’s AC business was a cover for a massive voter fraud operation and that his AC repair box truck was actually carrying 750,000 phony ballots. On October 19th he intentionally rear-ended Lopez’s truck to force him to stop. He then pulled a gun on Lopez, forced him to the ground and apparently demanded he confess to the vote rigging scheme he and his team were investigating. He then held Lopez at gun point until police arrived.

According to the indictment, Hotze paid Aguirre a total of $266,400 for his investigation – $211,400 of which was paid the day after he attacked Mr. Lopez. (In March Lopez sued Hotze and his group, The Liberty Center for God and Country.)

Now almost a year after Aguirre was first arrested, a Harris County grand jury has indicted him for aggravated assault. There is also apparently a continuing investigation into unidentified accomplices of Aguirre who fled the scene after the attack on Lopez.

Said Harris County DA Kim Ogg: “We’ve been investigating the other individuals involved with former Captain Aguirre. There was at least one other person on the scene who fled. Aguirre has not cooperated. So there’s been a review of many different types of records to determine who the other individuals are.”

Hotze, a major kingmaker and donor in Harris County GOP politics for decades, has still not been charged with any crime. In October, an appeals court rejected Hotze’s effort to shut down Lopez’s lawsuit.

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