Rep. John Boccieri (D-OH), who originally voted no on the health care bill in November, has just announced at a Washington press conference that he will vote for the bill — the fourth Democrat to switch from no to yes.
Boccieri discussed his own upbringing, and thinking back to what would have happened if his family had not had health insurance. He was accompanied by constituents of his who either were personally denied health insurance or who had family members that had been denied insurance. And he invoked the name of Natoma Canfield, his constituent who had recently become a case study used by the administration for the need for reform.
“If in this job I can save one job, one life, one family, one person, one Natoma, this job is worth it,” said Boccieri. “There’s too many politicians who are worried about their futures, instead of the families that are standing behind me, and the families like Natoma’s.”