Blue Dog Bright Tells Constituents He’s Still A ‘No’ On Health Care

Rep. Bobby Bright (D-AL).
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Blue Dog Rep. Bobby Bright (D-AL) is unlikely to vote for the final health care bill despite House leadership’s confidence they will earn support from fiscal conservatives.

Bright, in one of the state’s reddest districts, said in a Kiwanis speech reported by the local paper he thinks both the House and Senate bills don’t do enough to curb rising costs.

“After it comes back from conference committee, unless it significantly reduces the expense that I know it’s going to add to our budget, I will not be able to support it,” Bright said.

He restated his opposition to a public option and told Kiwanis attendees he was “proud” the Senate’s version did not include one but said the Senate bill is still “entirely too expensive.”


“When your budget’s in a bind, you don’t continue to borrow and you don’t continue to tack on. Even though we all probably want to see every American to have access to quality health care; we also realize that right now, our economy is in a state that we can’t afford additional financial burdens.”

Bright also told the Kiwanis club he remains accountable to his constituents, not party leaders.

“My priority is what you need and what’s right for the 2nd District. It’s not about doing what Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats want, or what John Boehner and the Republicans want; it’s about doing what you want,” he said.

We’re keeping an eye on what’s happening in members’ home districts, especially watching the Democrats who were ‘No’ votes on health care the first time around.

If you’re hearing something out there, please let us know.

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