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From The Reporter’s Notebook
TPM’s Tierney Sneed reported that Senate Republicans are struggling to advance a bill to repeal Obamacare. The Tea Party group FreedomWorks is the latest to pressure Senate conservatives to go farther than the House bill by dismantling Medicaid expansion, while other GOP senators from states that have participated in the expansion have balked at taking it away from their constituents.
BUZZING: Today in the Hive
From a TPM Prime member: “There are 59 tiny police departments in the St.Louis Metropolitan region. Since the City refused to merge with the county back in the day (and many cities did merge back in the day), this problem has only grown worse. The 59 police departments is simply NUTS and a small cooperative does not make it less nuts. I think a lot of the problem I’ve seen with police escalating situations into a “take-down” that seems too aggressive to me (and many other Americans, perhaps the majority), is training and follow-up within the police department. And this is much easier to do with a disciplined and larger police department with sub stations throughout the geographical area.”
Related: Five ways the right thinks Obama is trying to disarm the police.
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