Sanders Camp Blames DNC For Data Breach, Cruz’s Gay Marriage Hypocrisy, and The Myth Of The ‘Latino Vote

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December 28, 2015

Top Stories

A Spectacular Adelson-Inspired Tale Of Journalistic Malfeasance

The Gist: Josh Marshall chronicles the winding tale of how Sheldon Adelson ended up in charge of the Las Vegas Review-Journal newspaper, which is marked by “power, money, greed, recklessness.”

Sanders Campaign Maintains DNC Holds Responsibility For Data Breach

The Gist: An adviser said officials at the DNC responded to a breach that temporarily gave the Sanders campaign access to Hillary Clinton’s voter data by leaking information and blocking them from the investigation into the incident.

Donald Trump Blasts Trey Gowdy As He Is Expected To Endorse Rubio

The Gist:  Trump criticized Gowdy’s performance at the October Benghazi hearings, calling it a “disaster” for the GOP and “very bad for the country.”

From The Reporter’s Notebook

In the latest audio released from Sen. Ted Cruz’s Manhattan fundraiser, we found out that Cruz would not make upending marriage equality a top priority in his hypothetical administration. TPM’s Caitlin Cruz notes that is a sharp departure from his comments after June’s Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage. As she points out, if Cruz is serious about chasing Donald Trump’s coattails for the eventual nomination, he will have to reconcile both his supporters on the fringe and at the base of his party.

Agree or Disagree?

J. Bradford DeLong: We are on a long-run historical trajectory that is taking us back to the nineteenth century, in which inheritance dominates enterprise, opportunity is tightly constrained by class of birth, economic growth is slow, and politics is dominated by plutocrats.

Say What?!

“Frankly, it’s a bigotry from the Democrats. They look down on the southern states like we’re a bunch of hicks.”

-Ted Cruz attributed Hillary Clinton’s opposition to the closure of DMV office in majority-black areas of Alabama to “bigotry.”

BUZZING: Today in the Hive

From a TPM Prime member: “This is the last straw as far as I am concerned. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz needs to go…now. She has now single handedly made Clinton’s life harder in that if she wins, it will be tainted by keeping the DNC database from the Sanders campaign because she hired a sub par vendor to manage it. She has also completely alienated Sanders’ supporters in the process. If the last two election cycles were not enough…this should be. She is obviously a Clinton supporter, and as such should not run the DNC.”

Related: The Sanders campaign maintains that the DNC ultimately holds responsibility for a breach of voter data. 

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What We’re Reading

“Latino voters” are often discussed as a block, but will Mexican-Americans really vote for Cuban-American Candidates? (Buzzfeed)

Why the liberal era ushered in by Barack Obama is only just beginning.(The Atlantic)

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