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From The Reporter’s Notebook
Reporter Tierney Sneed reported on how outside conservative groups are pushing GOP senators not to hold a hearing for Obama’s SCOTUS nom. According to Curt Levey, executive director of the FreedomWorks Foundation, his group is preparing for both types of nominees Obama could submit: a moderate to peel off Republican support or a liberal. “The second is the easiest,” Levey told TPM. “If it’s clear that he hasn’t nominated a moderate, and he has nominated someone who will solidify his base and try to embarrass Republicans, then Republicans are going to be upset with that and it will be easy to keep them together.”
BUZZING: Today in the Hive
From a TPM Prime member: “I thought it was a little weird when Henry Kissinger suddenly became a pressing campaign issue in the year 2016. In retrospect I see that Bernie’s last debate performance where he broached the subject was practiced. Hillary is friendly with Kissinger who created the Khmer Rouge who butchered 3 million innocents = Hillary is responsible for “3 million innocents butchered” So much of the rhetoric online is reduced to Symbols. People may follow the link and read the bloody details if they’re not already familiar thereafter all nuance falls away, the rough of edges of complexity are filed off and you’re left with a symbol – Kissinger. Occasionally you’ll see a gish-gallop alphabet soup – “War on Poverty. 3 strikes. DOMA. DADT. DMCA. NAFTA. GATT. WTO Glass-Steagall” used as symbols intended to trigger a pavlovian conniption. Recently I’ve noticed Kissinger suddenly appear in discussions like an emoji, out of the blue, oddly out of place to the topic being discussed. There’s a certain activist/journalist/lawyer, expert at moving public opinion with the artful smear of innuendo. Karl Rove must marvel at his abilities.”
Related: Sanders tied Clinton to Henry Kissinger, who is “not his kind of guy.”
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What We’re Reading
John Oliver is in the unique position of hosting a satirical news show that frequently makes news. (Vulture)
Stolen weapons fuel street violence in New Orleans. (