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From The Reporter’s Notebook
Campus carry at Texas universities is no longer confined to the Austin flagship campus, according to TPM’s Caitlin Cruz. A professor at Texas Tech University in Lubbock launched a petition for faculty and staff at TTU against campus carry. Roger Landes, a professor of practice in the School of Music at TTU, wrote, “This petition demands that all classrooms as well as all faculty and staff offices should be declared gun-free zones by Texas Tech president Duane Nellis, and that this decision should be approved by the university’s board of regents.” While the petition hasn’t cracked the first 1,000 signatures, these voices are being added to the growing discontent with the Texas law.
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Walter Mondale’s name is now synonymous with his crushing defeat to Ronald Reagan in the 1984 presidential election. But as Ben Railton points out, Mondale’s influence is much more significant than that. He helped gain support for the Voting Rights Act, oversaw the Church Committee that restored oversight of the US intelligence community, and chose Geraldine Ferraro to be the first woman to run as vice president.
BUZZING: Today in the Hive
From a TPM Prime member: “As much as we like to accuse the Repugnicans of having Fascist Superman wet dream tendencies.. We sure behave as though we actually believe in that stuff too. The only election that matters is for the number 1 spot. Everything else seems unimportant… The result is: everyone pines for the structural changes that will save us at the next census… But, that won’t happen unless we start taking over the state level seats that are going to allow us to either gerrymander to our own structural advantages or force the death of the gerrymander altogether. If the Republicans have the seats, they’ll find a way to keep the system cranking to their advantage. Why wouldn’t they?”
Related: The deep cynicism of “nationalizing” midterm elections.
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