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From The Reporter’s Notebook
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson awkwardly danced to a rendition of “Stand by me” at a campaign rally, as TPM’s Sara Jerde wrote. But the singer, Beau Davidson, told a Fox affiliate that the two GOPers enjoyed the performance, noting that Trump “grooved to the beat” and Carson “smiled, and clapped along.”
Agree or Disagree?
Josh Marshall: “I’m not sure anything better captures the GOP’s inability to grasp what’s happening to it than the House Freedom Caucus wrestling with how to grapple with the rise of Donald Trump and how to resist his candidacy. Donald Trump is the Freedom Caucus. You might even say, in the beginning was the Freedom Caucus. And then the Freedom Caucus became flesh and walked among us. And his name was Donald Trump.”
BUZZING: Today in the Hive
From a TPM Prime member: “My prediction is that Garland gets confirmed before the election. The whole saga of the Republican attempt to obstruct this is amazing on so many levels. McConnell’s “stone wall” collapses the instant Obama actually nominates someone, revealing that he is absolutely naked (sorry about that image, just think “turtles”). Just as suddenly the whole rationale for the obstruction is abandoned with a 180 degree maneuver: “Oh, we will be willing to confirm him… after the election, when we are a true lame duck Senate”. This “Plan B” which they just coughed up is not going to last until summer, much less the entire campaign season. The Republicans are undergoing a humiliating collapse they brought upon themselves, and Obama is going to relish making them eat crow.”
Related: According to a Gallup poll, the majority of Americans think Garland should be confirmed.
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What We’re Reading
How Jacobin, a socialist magazine, is winning the left’s war of ideas. (Vox)
Every candidate from both parties supports states’ rights to decide on legal weed. (Rolling Stone)