Josh Marshall

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Josh Marshall is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of TPM.

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Takeaway #2 Prime Badge

A number of you have written in to say about the hearings, “No, that wasn’t the big deal. This other thing was the big deal!” In almost every case I find myself agreeing with you. What it comes down to is there was just a huge amount of critical new detail in Hutchinson’s testimony. And it was a challenge to evaluate the significance of it all in real time or organize it on a rank of significance. So TPM Reader KB notes that all the stuff about a war room at the Willard with Rudy and the top crazies starts appearing in a very, very different light if the plan was that Trump was going to go to the Capitol to in some sense lead the confrontation. It definitely seems like that wasn’t just a possibility or something that was discussed but rather definitely Trump’s plan and, one would imagine, what Rudy and his crew thought was going to happen.

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Your Thoughts

From TPM Reader KB

For me, the really significant testimony from today was that Trump WANTED and EXPECTED to go to the Capitol with the mob. The part about the drama in the limo is wild and also Trumpian silly, but up until now, I always assumed that he was just lying to the crowd, like he often did, or speaking metaphorically when he said he’d be right there with them. Or, I assumed that he wimped out. But the fact that he knew the mob was armed and STILL planned to march with them  – and was royally pissed when he was prevented from doing so – shows his clear intent to lead the insurrection. 


Just a few thoughts on today’s rather stunning testimony. The crazy drama in the presidential limousine is certainly the wildest and most explosive part. Legally, the most important is what seems to me like very specific evidence that the former President is guilty of seditious conspiracy, among numerous other crimes. That detail about the magnetometers is key. According to this witness, the President knew the crowd was heavily armed and prepared for violence. He continued to exhort them to march on the Capitol. He specifically said that he didn’t want federal authorities to try to disarm the rioters because they weren’t there to hurt him.

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The Big Picture

Probably the best, most important way to understand today’s testimony is to realize that all of this and likely much more has been known to numerous high level officials from the beginning. Some of them are purported “good guys,” Vice President Pence, the White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, etc. They all knew all of it from the very beginning. They knew it during the impeachment trial. They knew it during the initial efforts to set up a Jan. 6th Commission. And yet they’ve spent 18 months using every legal and extra-legal means to keep this all secret. Indeed, virtually all of them are refusing to testify down until today.

Big Polling Move Prime Badge

We have another post-Dobbs poll. This one is from NPR/Marist. About abortion and Roe and Dobbs, it’s broadly in line with the other polls we’ve been discussing. If anything, it’s slightly on the low end of support for Roe. But again, broadly in line with the other polls. But look at this.

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on July 27, 2017 in Washington, DC. Purple State GOPs Insist Everything’s Fine, Abortions for Everyone

I wanted to walk you through some examples of how Republican candidates, and particularly Republican Senate candidates, are positioning themselves on the Dobbs decision and the demise of Roe. They are not surprising. But they’re powerful illustrations of why Republicans generally don’t want to talk about any of this and see it for the political vulnerability that it is.

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From TPM Reader MG

I live in NH, and like RP on the front page, I asked Senator Shaheen the filibuster and codifying Roe question after the leak. I got a vanilla answer about supporting a woman’s right to choose.

Anybody Home? Prime Badge

TPM Reader RP is still at it …

Just to keep you up-to-date, I’ve yet to hear from Senator Jeanne Shaheen if, in addition to confirming she’ll vote to enact a federal law making abortion accessible and available to all women, she’ll also answer my other question as to whether she’ll vote to change the filibuster, if not eliminate it entirely, so the Senate can proceed with a bill for such a law.

I’ve called her office in Manchester, NH twice (once last week and once the week before) to remind her office that Senator Shaheen still has to answered this question.  Each time, the person with whom I spoke immediately found a record of my question(s) and assured me she would bring to Senator Shaheen’s attention that I’ve asked again for an answer to my question regarding the filibuster issue.

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Baby Steps, Baby Steps Prime Badge

Just after I wrote the post below I got a new email from Joe Biden. No, Joe and I aren’t that close. I mean “Joe Biden,” the guy who spends most of his time sending fundraising emails. It seems they are creeping up to something more specific (emphasis added).

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