NYT: White House Making Plans To Reveal Bank Information
The New York Times reports that the Obama Administration is drawing up plans to publicly reveal key information from the stress tests for the 19 biggest banks in the country. All are expected to pass the tests, but some would do so better than others. After initial reluctance to make this move, it has been decided that doing so will better help prevent the kind of market uncertainty that would send investors fleeing.
Obama’s Day Ahead
President Obama will be delivering a speech at 11:55 a.m. ET from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, recognizing Tax Day by discussing his efforts to make a fairer tax code and provide more tax relief for working families. Obama will meet for lunch with Vice President Biden at 12:30 p.m. ET, and at 4 p.m. ET he will meet with U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk.
Biden’s Day Ahead
Vice President Biden is having a closed-press meeting this morning with the SEIU Executive Council. He will then meet with Haitian Prime Minister Michèle Pierre-Louis. And after he has lunch with Obama, Biden will meet with former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
WaPo: Obama May Face World Of Blame At Summit of the Americas
The Washington Post reports that as President Obama prepares to meet with Latin American leaders at the Summit of the Americas, he will be facing a tough crowd of leaders who roundly blame the United States for the economic crisis. “The temptation to run against Washington will be very powerful,” said Inter-American Development Bank President Luis Alberto Moreno.
Napolitano To Name “Border Czar”
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano will reportedly name former federal prosecutor Alan Bersin to be the new “Border Czar,” with the job of overseeing issues related to drug-cartel violence and illegal immigration along the Mexican border. In his new job, Bersin will work with officials from other countries and from the states along the border.
Paterson To Roll Out Gay Marriage Bill Today
Gov. David Paterson (D-NY) will reportedly announce today his proposal to legalize gay marriage in New York. If this were to pass — which is not a guarantee, given the thin Democratic majority in the state Senate — New York would become the largest state to currently have gay marriage, after California had it briefly but outlawed it through Proposition 8 last year.
Blago Signs Up For Reality Show
NBC has announced that they’ve signed up former Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D-IL) to appear on their upcoming reality show, I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, essentially a celebrity version of Survivor in the Costa Rican jungle. As the New York Times points out, though, Blago would likely need some special permission to leave the country and appear on the show, now that he’s under indictment.