Politicians Who ‘Side With Criminals’ Are Cowards, Says Brave GOPer Who Compared Insurrectionists To Tourists

INSIDE: GOP Gerrymandering Defeats And Wins ... Hugh Hewitt ... Manchin
Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) walks down the House steps after the last vote of the week in the Capitol on April 16, 2021. (Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc. via Getty Images)
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A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things.

I Mean, Where Is The Lie?

Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) declared on the House floor last night that “those in political office show both ignorance and cowardice when they side with criminals.” Oh, and “May God bless our courageous law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line each and every day.”

  • Remember when the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection looked like “a normal tourist visit” and that calling it an insurrection was “a bold-faced lie”?
  • Remember when snubbing a cop who had been beaten unconscious by the those “tourists” was how Blue Lives Matter-ing worked?
  • Andrew must not have remembered any of those things.

Strike Two: Ohio Supreme Court Rejects GOP-Drawn District Map Again

For the second time, the Ohio Supreme Court on Monday threw out a new map drawn by the state’s GOP-controlled redistricting commission for — once again — disproportionately favoring Republicans.

  • The court’s Republican chief justice, Maureen O’Connor, cast the deciding vote with the Democratic justices, just like she did the first time last month.
  • The commission has until Feb. 17 to draw a new map, the court’s order stated, and the lines have to correspond with Ohio’s voting preference of 54 percent Republican to 46 percent Democrat.

Kansas GOPers Fail To Override Veto Of Gerrymandered Map

Kansas’ GOP-controlled Senate actually didn’t have the votes on Monday to override Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly’s veto of the district map drawn by Republican lawmakers.

  • Four Republicans joined the Democrats to vote against the map.
  • There’ll be another vote on overriding Kelly’s veto today. Two lawmakers will have to switch to “yes” in order to give Senate Republicans the supermajority they need.

SCOTUS Restores Alabama’s Racially Gerrymandered Map

Though there was a glimmer of good news for voting rights advocates in Ohio and Kansas on the gerrymandering front (for now), SCOTUS dealt a big blow in Alabama yesterday by pausing a lower court’s order for Alabama Republicans to draw a new district map that included two districts with majority-Black voters.

Trump Gave Back Docs He Took From WH

The National Archives confirmed on Monday that Trump had transferred in mid-January the White House records he was supposed to hand over to the agency at the end of his presidency, but had decided to take to with him to his Mar-A-Lago resort in Florida instead.

  • Trump’s aides are still looking for more documents to hand over, according to the National Archives.
  • One of the documents Trump kept included — for God knows what reason — the infamous Hurricane Dorian forecast map where he drew a bubble with a Sharpie to back up his wrong claim about the hurricane hitting Alabama, according to the New York Times.
    • The Washington Post reported earlier on Monday that Trump also kept his “love letters” from North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and a letter ​​President Barack Obama left him after Trump’s swearing-in.

Conservative Radio Host Admits Talking About Jan. 6 Alienates His Audience

Hugh Hewitt said straight-up during his radio program yesterday that he never talks about the Capitol attack because “I like my audience” and “I don’t want them to turn me off.”


“How Manchin used politics to protect his family coal company” — Politico

“NRA Silent as Amir Locke Slain by Police for Having a Gun He Legally Owned” — The Intercept

Several Blue States Move To Lift Mask Mandates

State officials in California, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware and Oregon all announced on Monday plans to lift mask requirements in some form in February and March.

  • California: Universal indoor mask requirements will be lifted for fully vaccinated people on Feb. 16.
  • New Jersey: The statewide school mask mandate will be lifted on March 7.
  • Connecticut: The statewide school mask mandate will be lifted on Feb. 28.
  • Delaware: Universal indoor mask requirements (except for schools) will be lifted on Feb. 11. School mask requirements will be lifted on March 31.
  • Oregon: Universal indoor masks requirements will be lifted on March 31.

Georgia DA Will Start Sending Subpoenas In May

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in Georgia told CNN on Monday that her office will begin issuing subpoenas in her Trump election meddling investigation as soon as May, and that she’s not “concerned at all” about Trump’s inevitably dragging out the process with legal battles.

Romney Wags Finger At RNC Chair/Niece About Cheney And Kinzinger Censure

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) told reporters yesterday that he “exchanged some texts” with his niece, Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel, where he “expressed” his displeasure about the RNC’s censure of Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL). The Utah Republican added that McDaniel, who approved the RNC’s description of the Jan. 6 attack as “legitimate political discourse,” is a “wonderful person, and doing her very best.”

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Notable Replies

  1. Looks like a dreary Tuesday

  2. Kudos to Ohio Chief Justice O’Connor. I hope she doesn’t have to hire security due to her honesty and integrity.

    And more kudos to the 4 r’s in the Kansas legislature who would not vote to override the Gov’s veto. But how does it work that the legislature gets to vote on an override a second time today? I hope the 4 stick to their guns and don’t cave to threats and intimidation from their colleagues.

  3. Avatar for tao tao says:

    Self-goals don’t count against Rs.

  4. Avatar for dont dont says:

    Wonderful people doing their best don’t creat language calling a riot that led to seven deaths and 140 injured cops “legitimate political discourse” Mitt. Get your head out of your a$$.

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